R. Buckminster Fuller "Cosmography: A Posthumous Scenario for the Future" Hardcover #FIRST EDITION#
Vorgrik says: Very good condition. Cellophane wrapped jacket, rust speckles on deckled edge. ONE OF THE GREATEST MINDS OF OUR AGE. Great starting point for newbies.
"ON THE DAY THAT R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER died at age 87 in 1983, I found the entire Cosmograpy manuscript, which we had been working on, neatly stacked in the middle of an uncharacteristically tidy desk in his study at his Pacific Palisades, California, home. Atop the manuscript was a note addressed to his daughter Allegra (Snyder), and his grandson Jaime and granddaughter Alexandra. It began, "If something happens to me and I [should] die suddenly, I want you to know of the extraor- dinary importance of my now being written book Cosmography . . . "THIS BOOK, ITS ORGANIZATION AND CONTENTS, were conceived as a whole and nurtured through to virtual completion by Fuller during his last four years of life. All of the vocabulary and concepts originate in Fuller's mind, and the way they are phrased is his. I have served as adjuvant, a term Fuller borrowed from medicine (specifically immunology) in 1980 to designate my role in the writing of Critical Path-that of a "helper" in transcribing and editorially refining for publication his ideas, words, and extemporaneous "thinking out loud. " ln Cosmography, as in Critical Path, I have served in this Fuller-designated role to preserve the idiosyncratic concepts, tone, syntax, and phraseology of Fuller in preparing the manuscript for publication. If it has strayed at all from his original conception, the blame is mine. If it is a faithful representationof his methodology and thought, the credit goes to him and his insistent and uncompromising resoluteness. I have not attempted to flesh out those few parts of the book that Fuller left unfinished. I hope the reader will patiently bear with us, as many have during the eight years that have passed between Fuller's death and the publication of this long-awaited final book. Fuller would perhaps attribute this span of time to nature's own purposeful system of gestation rates."
--Kiyoshi Kuromiya, Adjuvant